Doctor Discovers Metabolism is Your Second “Brain”… and What You Eat Controls It




Doctor Discovers Metabolism is Your Second “Brain”… and What You Eat Controls It



Have you ever wondered why some people can eat whatever they like and it never affects their waste line? How can they go through life eating fatty, unhealthy foods? Without even working out and still maintaining a physique you constantly dream about?

It isn’t luck or genetics… this person accidentally stumbled onto something that nutritionist Dr. Philip Goglia has been working on for years.

Dr. Goglia has been a professional nutritionist for 35 years, and has spent countless nights researching the connection between food and your metabolism, and how it is the absolute controller of how your body stores fat.

It was one major discovery that caught the ears of Hollywood

When one a-list celebrity heard about Dr. Goglia’s work, she immediately hired him to be the official nutrition consultant for herself, and on her TV show.

When another a-lister needed to lose 60 pounds after his role in the movie “Cheney,” Dr. Goglia helped him lose the weight faster than anyone thought possible. Bale even thanked him in his award acceptance speech!

He also has a number of other well-known celebrity patients and dozens of professional athletes from the NBA and Formula 1 racing series.

Dr. Goglia has become so well respected by Hollywood actors and models because he can transform anyone’s body in a matter of weeks, which is absolutely crucial to the superhero roles that are so popular today.

But the most interesting part of Dr. Goglia’s incredible weight loss methods was learning that it can actually be done right at home by anyone.

Dr. Goglia’s technique unlocks a “metabolism miracle” that causes the human body to burn fat from the inside.

Once the metabolism is fired up and running at full heat, your body starts to burn the fat stores that it has built up over time. The best visual representation I can give you is to imagine a slice of butter in a hot skillet. An efficient metabolism is almost that powerful.

Since appearing on Revenge Body, millions of viewers have seen glimpses of Dr. Goglia’s methods…

…but now, he’s finally revealing the whole secret.

“The way I’m able to completely transform my celebrity clients is actually quite simple,” Dr. Goglia told us at his office in Santa Monica.

“It’s all about something called your Metabolic ID.”

As Dr. Goglia explained, everyone has their own unique Metabolic ID, which determines how you process different foods.

For example, some people’s bodies have a hard time processing carbs or proteins.

For other people, dairy can cause problems. And for others, sugar might be the most problematic.

The truth is, everyone’s body is different. That’s why you see some people who are naturally always skinny, even when they eat junk food. And other people have difficulty losing weight, even with diet and exercise.

Whenever Dr. Goglia takes on a new patient, the first thing he does is ask them a few questions to find out their Metabolic ID.

That’s because, without knowing your Metabolic ID, there’s just no way to know what the right foods are for your body.

If you’ve ever tried one of those “fad diets” that seems to work for other people, but you just didn’t see any results… it’s probably because that diet wasn’t tailored to your specific Metabolic ID.

In fact, if you eat the wrong foods for your Metabolic ID, even if you think you’re eating healthy, you could actually be doing more harm than good.

So, how do you find out your own unique Metabolic ID?

Well, Dr. Goglia realized that not everyone can afford to visit his clinic in Santa Monica or appear on the hit TV show.

So he developed an easy way you can find out your Metabolic ID right from home – and it’s completely free.

He calls it the G-Plans Health Quiz. It’s a short online quiz that asks you a few questions about your health, your daily routine, cravings, etc.

At the end of the quiz, it calculates your results and tells you exactly what your Metabolic ID is.

“For example, I am a ‘Dual Efficient’ Metabolic Type,” explained Dr. Goglia. “That means, my body has difficulty processing certain types of carbs. So I need to be especially careful to avoid these foods if I want to stay in shape.”

It’s the exact same technique that Dr. Goglia uses on his celebrity clients.

Click here to take the G-Plans Health Quiz and find out your unique Metabolic ID >>>

But the best part of the quiz comes at the end…

If you’ve watched Revenge Body, you know that the real secret to Dr. Goglia’s weight loss method is the custom meal plans he gives his patients each week.



About Dr. Goglia:

Dr. Goglia is widely recognized as one of the most accomplished nutritionists in his field and is the best selling author of “turn up the heat”. He is famous in Hollywood for his work with celebrities, business moguls and royalty from all around the world. Dr. Goglia holds a PhD in Nutritional Science, and is a graduate of Duke University, The American College of Sports Medicine and the National Academy of Sports Medicine. Click here to learn more.


*The information on this advertorial is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Results vary based on starting weight and program adherence. Inches lost from hips, waist, chest, thighs and arms in first month. These users exercised daily and ate a reduced-calorie diet. Their fat loss is not typical. We are dedicated to bringing readers valuable information which can help them accomplish their financial and lifestyle goals. Our disclaimer is that this site does receive compensation for product reviews and referrals or purchases made through our links. This page is an advertisement/advertorial. The story depicted here is for demonstration purposes only and everyone’s results may vary. We hope you find our online resource informative and helpful. This site is in no way affiliated with any news source. This site contains affiliate and partner links. This website and the company that owns it is not responsible for any typographical or photographic errors. If you do not agree to our terms and policies, then please leave this site immediately. All trademarks, logos, and service marks (collectively the “Trademarks”) displayed are registered and/or unregistered Trademarks of their respective owners. Contents of this website are copyrighted property of the reviewer and/or this website.

© Saving Money Weekly 2022. All Rights Reserved.


*The information on this advertorial is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Results vary based on starting weight and program adherence. Inches lost from hips, waist, chest, thighs and arms in first month. These users exercised daily and ate a reduced-calorie diet. Their fat loss is not typical. We are dedicated to bringing readers valuable information which can help them accomplish their financial and lifestyle goals. Our disclaimer is that this site does receive compensation for product reviews and referrals or purchases made through our links. This page is an advertisement/advertorial. The story depicted here is for demonstration purposes only and everyone’s results may vary. We hope you find our online resource informative and helpful. This site is in no way affiliated with any news source. This site contains affiliate and partner links. This website and the company that owns it is not responsible for any typographical or photographic errors. If you do not agree to our terms and policies, then please leave this site immediately. All trademarks, logos, and service marks (collectively the “Trademarks”) displayed are registered and/or unregistered Trademarks of their respective owners. Contents of this website are copyrighted property of the reviewer and/or this website.

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