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BREAKING: “Big Oil” Wants This Clever Fuel Saving Device Banned (Start Saving Now)

BREAKING: “Big Oil” Wants This Clever Fuel Saving Device Banned (Start Saving Now)

One Day Derek Calculated His Expenses at the End of the Month

“I drove almost 4,000 miles that first month. My fuel bill was topping $450. Even with the commissions, I didn’t think I could keep up the car payments and pay off my student loans.

I started to think that maybe my dream job wasn’t viable—all because of fuel prices.”

Over the next month, Derek tried everything to improve his fuel economy: driving under the speed limit, checking his tire pressure every day, using his breaks less, and never turning on the air conditioning.

“I might have saved a couple of bucks on fuel doing all this. But it was miserable. I had to drive around to find a gas station every day to check my tires. I was driving so far under the speed limit that I was struggling to make appointments on time—my boss wasn’t impressed. I got so obsessive about not using my breaks that I almost rear-ended someone on the freeway. And driving with no air conditioning in the middle of an Ohio summer was hell.”

At one point, Derek considered quitting his job and working as a minimum-wage barista at a coffee shop in downtown Dayton.

“At least then I’d be able to take the bus.”

The answer to Derek’s problems came one day when he got a ride to a trade show with one of the other sales reps, named Mitch.

“I was complaining to Mitch about all the driving I was doing and my sky-high fuel bill.”

Mitch Had Been in the Game a Long Time, and He Had the Answer to Derek’s Prayers, Right There Under the Steering Wheel

From just under, and to the left of the steering column, Mitch pulled out this wire with a green chip attached to it.

‘This little thing cuts down my fuel bill by 15%~35% per week’, Mitch said.

It’s called Effuel. And it’s a chip that remaps the car’s computer to make everything run more efficiently.

And the best part is, once you install it, it’s totally ‘hands-off’. I can just drive like I normally do, knowing that this little thing is working hard to cut down my gasoline costs.

Mitch stepped hard on the gas and turned up the air-conditioning till it was like a fridge in there.

“I thought to myself, if a guy with lead foot who loves to leave the AC on all the time can save fuel, maybe I should look into this.”

As soon as he could, Derek snuck off the company table at the trade show and found a quiet corner of the arena. He took out his phone and visited their website.

“At first I wasn’t sure. I studied Chemistry, not Engineering. Would I be able to install this thing?

But the more I read about the product, the more I realized how easy it was to fit. I could do it myself in less than five minutes. And I saw the product comes with an instructional manual.

And at just $39.98, I thought: ‘If this cuts down my fuel costs and helps me do my job better, I’ll make thousands of dollars back. So I ordered it right there, and asked my parents to look out for my delivery.”

Do You Drive to Work Every Single Day?



“I gave my Toyota Corolla to my parents, to thank them for all their support. I left the Effuel in the car for them so they could enjoy lower fuel consumption too.”

Of course, he bought a new Effuel for his new car >>>

“It works on all modern cars. I’ll remove the Effuel when I sell it—the engine just goes back to the factory settings.

And better fuel efficiency means less wear-and-tear on the engine. I’m hoping to get about 50% of what I paid for the Corolla when I sell it.”

Find out right now how much you could save on fuel costs, and if your vehicle is eligible, by visiting their website. You can test-drive the technology for free—if after 30 days of driving your regular routes you find that you haven’t saved money, simply claim a full refund.

Want a More Fuel-Efficient Car with a Cleaner-Running Engine?

Here’s How to Get Started

Click on the link below to learn more about the money-saving and environmental benefits of the Effuel!

Yes! I Want To Save $90-$200 (at least) Per Month on Fuel, Using the Effuel >>>

Start Saving $90-$200 (at least) Per Month on Fuel >>>

“Remember, we cannot guarantee inventory at this time due to the demand skyrocketing right now. It’s been reported a lot of people are buying multiple Effuel devices at once to resell them for a profit.”

Check Availability Here & Get 25% Off Today >>>

Check Availability Here & Get 25% Off Today >>>


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